June 5th BOS Meeting Update
Board of Supervisors Meetings June 5, 2024
There was an in-depth discussion on financial issues, including how to best address capital projects. The reports are all posted on the LMT website. The idea of withdrawing some money from the sewer proceeds trust account to address some capital issues was introduced.
There was also discussion of a referendum about Open Space for the November ballot. The supervisors would like public feedback on what they would like. The initial proposal is for up to 15 million to be issued to obtain open space and maintain what is already purchased. Some residents may want the money to all go to space or to maintenance, and the supervisors would like the public's feedback on this issue. All of the Supervisor’s emails are below if you have an opinion you want to share.
An anti-discrimination ordinance creating a Human Relations Commission has been advertised and will be on the agenda for final approval on July 19th.
Supervisors Emails
jlewis@lmt.org John Lewis
dgrenier@lmt.org Daniel Grenier
sblundi@lmt.org Suzanne Blundi
mross@lmt.org Matt Ross
jmccartney@lmt.org James McCartney
Link to LMT Portal for comments for the Township