Lower Makefield-Yardley Democratic Committee

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Lower Makefield Board approves preliminary budget

The Lower Makefield Board of Supervisors approved a preliminary budget on November 20, 2023. It is available for viewing here.

This budget includes a small tax increase that would be exclusively for the use of road work which could include some associated sewer work. The road paving plan is very behind schedule and the Supervisors wanted to have a dedicated fund so that they could increase the pace of paving and begin to be on a long-term sustainable paving plan.

The budget includes a $25 increase, to $95, for the fee people pay for the leaf removal service. The current fee no longer covers the cost of providing the program. There was some talk about assessing this further because during the two months that leaves are collected there is not adequate public works staffing to provide other needed services. $20 of the increase is to fund the current level of services and $5 is to pay back the Township monies from the general fund that were used to subsidize it this year.

Community Day is cancelled for 2024. This event costs the Township over $50,000 and the Supervisors did not feel comfortable allotting the money for this event when they were making other cuts.

The TWP is hiring a Finance Director. The thinking being that the financial situation of the Township is precarious and part of the reason has been poor financial management in the past. They want to get someone dedicated to monitoring finances and to begin planning for a longer term financially sustainable government. Estimated salary is $170,000.

The deficit this year was backfilled by the remainder of the sewer sale and some of the American Rescue Act money. As you might remember much of the sewer sale proceeds are now in a trust that cannot be touched without four of the five supervisors agreeing to it. In 2025 they can start using interest to supplement the general fund. In 2025 there will continue to be a deficit that needs to be addressed. One way they are considering addressing it is by creating a utility to manage stormwater management infrastructure costs. This would create additional income to fund much needed upgrades to address the Townships stormwater management issues. It would be set up so that those that have low impervious surface amounts would pay more than those that are mitigating their own stormwater. The Supervisors want to evaluate the most equitable ways in which to raise money for needed services.

At least one police officer is retiring in 2024 and at this time the replacement position is not funded. There is also an open laborer position in public works. The supervisors agreed that if income comes in higher than anticipated that first priorities for that money will be those positions. The police officer retirement is not until closer to the end of the year so there is a chance the position will be filled.